Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween as St. Francis

This was my Halloween Costume, minus the bullets. It may not be creative, but it was step away from the rapper attire (my costume of choice since 2003), and still baggy enough to keep me feeling like a thug. As part of the festivities we hit up Trolloween, a festival in Fremont where people dance in the streets to the skeleton drummers.


katelin said...

so you took a bit of catholicism with ya, eh? glad to see it!

oh, and st francis isn't really the patron saint of ammo, but close enough!

Jenni said...

Just remember, as it was explained to me... choosing a Halloween costume doesn't have to be about what career you want. Although, I ignored that advice and dressed up as an assassin anyway. Don't worry, you're a monkrapopotamus... your rhymes are bottomless.