2/12 Thursday Day 1 - The Arrival. We stumble into in to Wellington, after many hours of flight only to find we lost Wednesday. We sleep in Ads deluxe apartment, hit the Te Papa national museum and almost loose our respective lunches on what maybe the worst 3D motion ride in either hemisphere. We also apparently experienced the worst rain the city has seen in some time, but it was still fun.
2/13 Friday Day 2 - Sydnaaay. It's a four hour flight from Wellington to Sydney for those like me who thought everything was close together at the botton of the map. We Checked into a hotel in Chinatown and all instantly fell in love with the city. As feed said, it's a city that rewards exploration. Stores, clubs, restaurants and interested/attractive looking people everywhere.
2/14 Saturday Day 3 - Manley Snooker. With our first full day in Sydney we went to Manly island, a "must see" that I would class as a "could miss." Although if it were a sunny day I could see how the beaches might be more lovely and hopping. We hung out in a club for a bit, played snooker then made it back to the city for an Italian dinner surrounded by valentining couples and groups of single women then walked around Darling harbor and Chinatown. We also purchased ukelele's. More to come on that.
2/15 Sunday Day 4 - Sabbath of Discontent. Unfortunately the Syndey LDS young singles branch seemed very unidicative of the city. We fled after Sunday school to hit a pho place we'd spotted the night before then wandered around Darling Harbor some more a bit and found a highly recommended recommended Thai place, Longgrain for dinner.
Photos from the Trip to Manly. Tom has more pics of other stuff at his blog. http://sixteenbynine.blogspocom/, I'll also be posting more here and on Facebook at some point.
Lookin' good in the land down under. Sounds like an interesting trip.
That first picture looks like a sweet album cover.
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